departmental organizations
Caution falling trees!

There is an increased risk of spontaneous fall of branches and trees throughout the National Park, where the laws of nature govern the formation and termination of trees. Enter the forest at your own risk!

Quiet areas

The purpose of quiet areas is to protect the most vulnerable habitats and species from excessive and unguided visitation. The most important thing for visitors to the Krkonoše National Park is to know that it is only in the quiet areas that they can travel on hiking trails.

Klidová území jsou v terénu vyznačena smaltovanými cedulemi a červeným pásovým značením na stromech. Pokud vidíte dva červené pruhy stojíte mimo klidové území a nepřekračujete zákon.
Klidová území jsou v terénu vyznačena smaltovanými cedulemi a červeným pásovým značením na stromech. Pokud vidíte dva červené pruhy stojíte mimo klidové území a nepřekračujete zákon.

There are eight quiet areas in KRNAP. These are the two largest rest areas in the ridge parts of the Krkonoše Mountains and one on the top of Světlá hora Mountain and Černá hora Mountain. Then there are the quiet areas Tetřeví Bouda and Lesní bouda, Pomezní hřeben, Přední Rennerovky, Slatinná stráň and Lesní hřeben. In total, the Ministry of the Environment has declared eight quiet areas by measures of a general nature. 

On the ground, the quiet areas are marked in two ways – with red stripe markings on upright trees (the upper stripe around the whole trunk and the lower one only halfway around the trunk - if a visitor comes to a tree marked with two horizontal red stripes, everything is fine and they are not breaking the law. If they see only one stripe, they are in a quiet area and must leave it immediately) and enamel signs on posts on roads passing through the area. The most important restriction for visitors in the quiet areas is a strict ban on entering the open terrain outside the marked trails, as it was in the former KRNAP Zone I.