Do not destroy the forest!
lt takes tens of years before the forest grows up. Care of the forest costs a lot of money and also time of foresters. Please do not enter the areas that are wooded. The young trees are very vulnerable. Particularly in winter when there is threat of breaking the tree peak.

Let the game and freely Uving animals have quiet!
The Krkonoše Mountains nature is home for the wild animals - mammals, birds, amphibians and insect. People just go and visit them. Behave as the guests! Do not disturb them, do not frighten them!

Let grow wild-growing plants. Do not pick them!
The best places for wild-growing vegetation are the places where they grow. Cheer up with their beauty but do not pick them. Every flower plucked will wither. Do not try to transplant them to your garden. They need special conditions to live that you are not able to provide and they will most likely die.

Take the trashl
The trash thrown away mars the mountains. Anyone being strong enough to bring his or her snack to the mountains should be strong enough to take the empty package back from the mountains. Do not throw away plastic bottles and plastic bags. Take also apple core with you. Consider the fact that it takes 3 month for banana skin to decompose!

Protect sprůag areas and waterwaysl
A lot of people drink water that has springs in the Krkonoše Mountains, maybe also you do. Therefore do not contaminate either spring areas or waterways.

Tourist marhůag, ůaformation panels and other equipment for tourism serve to everyone. Do not destroy them!
Guide-posts and signposts help you to find a correct way. You will get interesting information on the information boards and other equipment. Please do not destroy this equipment for tourism.

Behave quietly!
lf you walk quietly, you have more chances to see wild easily frightened animals.

Camp and make a fire only on a camp site!
Fire is able to destroy a big area in a short moment. Make fire only al the fireplaces designated.