departmental organizations
Caution falling trees!

There is an increased risk of spontaneous fall of branches and trees throughout the National Park, where the laws of nature govern the formation and termination of trees. Enter the forest at your own risk!

Travel restrictions

The administration of the Krkonoše National Park temporarily prohibits access to roads leading to wintering facilities and feedlots for reasons of nature protection during the winter months. Other restrictions result from works taking place on the roads (repairs, approaching firewood). If the road is marked as "closed", then it is not possible to walk on it and it is not possible to go around it. If "passage restriction" is marked, then this means that the mentioned section is a construction site, where the conditions of passage may be deteriorated, where you will pass construction company workers and construction machines, but in principle it is possible to pass through the given section or bypass it right along the construction site.

You can find the current overview of road restrictions in detail, including markings on the map, on the map server of the KRNAP Administration:

Click on the given route to find out more information about the nature of the restriction and the deadline until which it applies. In the "layers" option, you can make visible the marked hiking trails and the zoning of the Krkonoše National Park.

You can find information about closed roads in the Karkonosze National Park: